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June 20th, 2023

Market Update on Berries

Weather in California is affecting berry supplies

Market Update on Berries

STRAWBERRIES: Santa Maria is past their peak season and on a downward trend. Salinas and Watsonville have yet to reach peak numbers due to recent cooler weather. This maximum volume is expected to occur in mid-July. 

  • Daytime temperatures are expected to improve slightly in the Santa Mara area.
  • Salinas and Watsonville are producing only slightly better numbers with good demand so far this week.
  • Shippers are reporting some white shoulders due to cool temperatures in the Salinas and Watsonville areas.
  • Markets are firm in the $14.00 to $15.00 range with limited availability until later this week.

BLUEBERRIES: Significantly more volume is coming out of Central California’s growing region.

  • Product is still coming out of Georgia in good numbers.
  • North Carolina continues to produce moderate amounts of product.
  • The Pacific Northwest is slated to begin in three to four more weeks.
  • Markets are expected to soften due to increased numbers from multiple regions. Current pricing is $14.00 to $18.00 on the 12/6 oz pack and $20.00 to $24.00 on the pints.

BLACKBERRIES: Supplies remain tight as we wait for current warmer temperatures to help the fruit mature.

  • We are seeing some red cells and breakdowns in the last of the transferred fruit coming from Mexico.
  • West Coast production is just beginning to slowly come online.
  • Markets are ranging from $24.00 to a high of $30.00 and demand exceeds supply.

RASPBERRIES: We are starting to see more shippers with slightly better availability.

  • Markets are in the $18.00 to $24.00 range.