Avocado supplies impacted
Imports from Mexico have been limited, and markets have gained considerable strength. Field prices are rising 20-30%. Two major upcoming national holidays in Mexico will severely limit harvests for two to three weeks (Benito Juarez holiday, Thursday, 3/21, followed by Semana Santa holy week, 3/24 through 3/31). The volume coming into the US will be down 30-40% during this period, and there will be several days without harvesting or packing. Additionally, there is very little offshore fruit due to supplements, with Colombia experiencing a gap in production. California has also been delayed due to heavy rain events.
Market pricing will continue climbing in the coming weeks as packers fight to secure fruit to fill orders.
- -We expect all sizes to be impacted (48’s, 60’s, and 70’s - Grade 1 & Grade 2).
- -Grade 2’s will be minimal as national demand in Mexico is very high for Lent.
Due to this extreme supply situation, all shippers will enforce contract and open market averages.
- -If this extreme raw product shortage persists, shippers must fulfill a percentage of averages to ensure constant supply.
- -Some suppliers will look at covering 60-70% of four-week averages.
- -Suppliers will work to cover normal loading patterns.
- -Short-notice orders will be subject to limited product availability.