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June 21st, 2023

Market Update on Avocados

Prices are climbing rapidly as growers in Mexico are slowing harvest, leading to decreased supply.

Market Update on Avocados

We wanted to provide you with an update on the current avocado market, as there are some important developments that may impact your orders and availability of certain sizes. As you may have noticed, avocado prices have been climbing rapidly in recent weeks. This is primarily due to growers in Mexico slowing down their harvest, resulting in fewer fruit crossings and an increase in demand. The situation is expected to intensify in the week of June 25, 2023, as triggers come into play.

We anticipate that substitutions may be required for all sizes, and it may be necessary to source avocados from alternate countries of origin to fulfill your orders. The current market conditions are projected to persist for the next 3-4 weeks as the Normal crop nears its end. However, the Flora Loca and the Mendex crop are on the horizon, which will help alleviate the supply pressure. Nevertheless, it's important to note that peak sizes for these crops are 60-70ct and sizes 48ct and larger will be extremely tight.

In terms of other countries, Peru is currently crossing avocados in limited quantities, but the volumes are expected to increase week by week. This
increase in supply is a response to the activity in Mexico. Additionally, Columbia has started its Travesia season and plans to bring in small quantities of fruit.