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February 6th, 2020

Berry Update

Strawberries and Mixed Berries will be in short supply for Valentine's Day

Berry Update

It's hard to imagine Valentine's Day without berries, but there is a severe shortage on strawberries and mixed berries.

The primary growing region in Santa Maria and Oxnard have been cold and the fruit is not ripening as it normally would; thereby drastically reducing yields. This cold weather is expected to remain over the next week or so and will continue to affect availability. Additionally, Mexico has received heavy rains in all growing regions and is experiencing a loss of yields, ranging from 50 to 60% lower than anticipated due to water damage and flooding at the field levels. Although there is limited availability in Florida, the plantings were a little late this year causing the anticipated peak of production to be pushed forward past the Valentine's day pull period. Unfortunately, due to the perfect storm” nature of these events occurring, Supplies will be extremely limited and order fulfillment will be a daily challenge. 

Quality will also be affected by the cold weather.  Expect to see white shoulders, light bruising and some possible advanced decay caused from the rain and cold. These conditions will continue for the next 3-4 weeks.